Winter Pest Prevention Tips for Springfield Residents

December 6, 2019

a small house mouse creating big problems in a springfield massachusettes home

In: Holiday Pest Control

Many homeowners let their guard down when it comes to the possibility of a winter pest infestation because they believe the cold weather is too harsh for pests to survive. But the common misconception that winter weather drives away all potential pest infestations couldn’t be further from the truth. Brutal winter conditions and freezing temperatures drive pests into your home. They seek shelter and warmth from the cold, and they make themselves at home in your house to keep warm and toasty until the spring arrives.

Overwintering pests find the most remote nooks and crannies of your home to settle into for a cozy winter stay. Winter pest infestations consist mainly of mice, cockroaches, spiders, and rodents. Your Springfield home is also highly susceptible to various species of wildlife in winter, including raccoons, skunks, and squirrels. Winter pests present many potential dangers and health risks. Not only do they carry disease and defecate wherever they go, but they can also become aggressive when cornered and will not hesitate to bite if threatened.

When winter pests invade your Springfield home, they are seeking three essential elements for survival: food, water, and shelter. The first thing you’ll want to do is be on the lookout for any droppings, gnaw marks, or damaged food packaging, as these are tell-tale signs that you may be hosting some unwelcome guests.

So, how do these intruders get inside? Pests are very clever when looking for ways to gain entry into your house. They manage to squeeze into holes and cracks that you might not suspect. In fact, mice can fit through an opening as small as a dime, so you can never be too cautious when it comes to sealing up potential points of entry.

Popular entry points include wall vents, roof vents, roof edges, gable vents, plumbing mats, chimney caps, and loose edges they can gnaw their way through. As upsetting as it is to think about, pests are often brought inside by you and your loved ones. They can sneak in when you’re carrying in groceries or moving boxes. They find their way in when appliances are installed or serviced, or when you’re doing yard work and gardening.

Once they successfully find a way indoors, they gravitate to areas where they’re most likely to stay well-fed and hydrated. There are a number of ways to avoid a pest infestation as it relates to their three survival elements.


  • Store all your food properly, including pet food and birdseed. Your best bet is to use hard plastic containers with tightly sealed lids.
  • Don’t leave your food out. Promptly take care of any spills and regularly clean areas where food is prepared and eaten.
  • Store your garbage cans in a locked shed. Make sure all trash bins are sufficiently covered. Use animal-proof lids, especially if you keep them outside.


  • Eliminate sites of moisture. Kitchens and bathrooms are particularly vulnerable to a cockroach infestation.
  • Keep attics, crawl spaces, and basements well ventilated and dry.
  • Check areas where utilities enter the home. Take care of any leaky pipes or clogged drains promptly.


  • Install door sweeps and chimney screen vents.
  • Repair any damaged window and door screens.
  • Seal up cracks and holes on the exterior of your home. Replace weatherstripping around windows and loose mortar around the foundation.
  • Store any firewood far away from the house as pests tend to nest there and can gain access inside if kept too close.
  • Organize storage areas and keep boxes off the floor. Pests love to nest in clutter as they seek out remote, dark areas to hide for the season.

Despite all the precautionary measures you can take to lower your chances of a winter pest infestation, there’s really only one foolproof way to protect your home. For total pest control and peace of mind, contact the professionals at American Pest Solutions. Our licensed specialists guide you through every step of the pest control process. From detection and elimination to prevention and maintenance, you’re in good hands from start to finish. Call today for a free quote and learn more about our comprehensive pest control services.

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