pigeon on stone wall

How To Keep Pigeons Away From Your Hartford Property

Pigeons are a part of the Hartford landscape. They're so common that we tend to not notice them until they start to cause problems. But when they do, they're hard to ignore. If you're starting to have pigeon problems, you should be aware that there are many pitfalls to DIY pigeon control. Let's quickly take a look at a few things that don't work and then get into what actually does work to deter pigeons.

Clever Birds

Pigeons are extremely smart. They are considered to be among the most intelligent birds in the world. 

  • If you try to scare pigeons away with stuffed owls, fake snakes, or balloons, you're not going to have any success at all. They may be cautious at first, but it won't take long before they completely ignore these tactics.

  • If you invest in a trap to capture pigeons, you might get lucky and catch one. But the others will quickly understand that going into that contraption is not a good idea.

DIY Pigeon Prevention That Can Work

You have to be smarter than the pigeons. We don't mean smarter in terms of intelligence. You need to know what can outsmart a pigeon, and also what can deter a pigeon. There are reasons pigeons have decided to be on your roof or in some other area you don't want them to be. It might be a food source. It might be a preferable roosting spot. Whatever is attracting them must be addressed first. Here are a few examples.

  • Pigeons eat trash. If you have an uncovered trash receptacle or exposed trash bags, pigeons may peck at them to find food sources within. Protect your trash to keep pigeons away.

  • If you have pets or other animals that you feed outside, keep in mind that their food can be pigeon food. Refrain from feeding animals outside or put food down only during meals.

  • If you have bird feeders, put them at least 20 feet from the exterior of your home or remove them until your pigeon problem has been corrected.

  • Address water sources. Pigeons will drink out of puddles and containers that capture water. Remove these sources and the pigeons might move to another property.

  • Apply fencing material, steel mesh, or specially designed devices to keep pigeons from getting underneath solar panel arrays or finding their way into your home by way of louvers, vents, etc.

Professional Pigeon Control In Hartford

The best solution for pigeons in Hartford is to hire a bird control professional. This is where we can help. We have a few bird control professionals on staff here at American Pest Solutions. We can take a look at your bird control issues and advise you in selecting the right control solution for the job. We use the most advanced and trusted control products available. Here are a few examples:

  • While scary stuffed birds and snakes won't scare pigeons away, we know something that could. Bird spikes are a visual deterrent that can have some success deterring pigeons. If you don't have particularly persistent pigeons (try saying that ten times fast) then this product could get the job done. 

  • Bird slopes can work to make ledges, door frames, and window frames unusable for pigeons to perch on. This can have a direct impact on pigeons without scaring them at all.

  • If you don't want your pigeons to have any confusion as to what you're trying to tell them, shock tracks work well. These bird control devices don't hurt the birds, they just make them aware that they're not welcome—in no uncertain terms. When used strategically with other deterrents, pigeons won't be bothering you anymore.

  • Sometimes an application of a transparent bird gel to horizontal surfaces can be enough to make pigeons go away. When they step on the sticky gel, they don't like it.

  • Structural netting is a direct method for controlling pigeons. Netting can be used to prevent pigeons from gaining access to desirable roosting locations or to keep pigeons from going into areas you don't want them to be.

  • In isolated areas, metal mesh or steel metal barriers can be used to deter pigeons in the same way nets do. 

  • In difficult control situations, sonic devices can be deployed to make pigeons feel uncomfortable when they get into the wrong places.

  • Sometimes baiting and trapping is the ideal solution. When performed by a professional, the natural suspicion pigeons tend to have can be overcome.

There is rarely one simple solution for pigeon control. At American Pest Solutions, we have many tools at our disposal and we use a multi-pronged approach to outsmart these clever birds. If pigeons are causing trouble for you on your Hartford property, we can help you send those birds packing. Reach out to us today and schedule a service visit. When it comes to pigeon control, it is always best to let a trained and experienced technician handle this problem.

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