technician inspecting residential home

Why Wildlife Infestations Should Be Handled By Professionals

It’s that time of year again. Though wildlife animals can be a year-round problem for homeowners, as the weather grows colder in the fall, wildlife critters begin searching for a warm, cozy place to take shelter in while they wait out the frigid winter months. And our homes make the perfect place for them to take up residence when the temperatures begin to drop! However, when wildlife animals find their way inside our homes, they can cause a variety of different problems. In this article, we will look briefly at three most common wildlife pests in our area and why it is best to turn to the professionals to deal with these pests when they become an issue on your property!
Raccoons: These wildlife pests may be cute, but they won’t seem so adorable when they get into your trash and spread it all over your yard or when they find their way into the attic or storage spaces of your home. Signs that you may have a raccoon living in your home include noises in the attic or inside walls during the night, damage to stored items in your home, or the discovery of raccoon feces in your insulation. Be aware that raccoons are not safe to have inside a home. They can become aggressive if cornered or protecting their young, and they have been known to carry the rabies virus.
Skunks: These small black-and-white striped animals are usually found living along the edges of forests, in fields, or in areas of thick brush located near food and water sources. Skunks typically burrow in the ground or hide in rock crevices and caves; however, skunks sometimes make their nests underneath our homes, often near a heat source such as a dryer vent outlet. If skunks are left unchecked on a property, they can cause damage to lawns and landscaping and get into your trash. These animals can also transmit rabies and if a person or pet gets sprayed in the eyes by these pests, it can cause temporary blindness, not to mention the terrible odor it leaves behind.
Squirrels: These fun-to-watch critters are not so much fun when they create their nests in our attics. When squirrels find their way into our homes, they can chew holes in the exterior of our home, make scratching noises inside our walls, and damage our home’s wiring, insulation, sheetrock, and piping. They can also introduce secondary pests such as mites, fleas, and ticks into our homes. You may be dealing with a squirrel infestation if you are hearing scampering noises in your attic during the daytime, if you are seeing squirrels hanging out on your roof, or if you see a squirrel disappear into a hole in your roof line.

Wildlife Infestations Increase As Cold Weather Approaches

Here in New England, when fall arrives and brings cooler air, people begin spending more time indoors where it is warm and cozy, and wild animals are no different. As the temperatures begin to drop, these wildlife animals will seek out their dens and nests and begin preparing for the cold winter months. And if they have found their way into a man-made structure, they will be more than happy to remain there until the weather becomes more favorable. And while some animals may move back outside come spring, many will be more than happy to continue living inside your home all year long. So, while wild animals can get into homes and other structures any time of year, fall is the time when this activity increases.

Dangers Of DIY Wildlife Removal

If you suspect that you have a wildlife issue in or near your home, it is unwise to try to take care of that problem on your own. Though they may not seem dangerous, wild animals are not used to interacting with humans and if they feel cornered or trapped, especially if they are defending their young, they can scratch or bite and potentially transfer harmful bacteria and dangerous diseases such as rabies to the attacked individual. And sealing up the holes in your home, while a helpful prevention tip, can cause additional problems if the wildlife pests are already inside your home. For instance, if there is a squirrel in your walls that cannot get out, it may eventually find its way inside your living spaces. And having a panicked squirrel tearing up the inside of your home is nothing to laugh about.

How American Pest Solutions Can Help

If you are in need of assistance to seal up your home in preparation for the colder months in order to keep pests from taking up residence in your home or if you are dealing with wildlife on your property or inside your home, reach out to us at American Pest Solutions! We have the knowledge, tools, and experience needed to take care of wildlife problems in a safe, humane, and effective manner. For help eliminating wildlife problems, partner with us at American Pest Solutions!

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