Wild animals can become a problem in and around your home. Squirrels, for example, have a tendency to find their way inside homes. These small pests can find their way in through small cracks or gaps in your foundation, siding, venting, attic, or crawl space. These pests come in a variety of colors from whitish-grey to reddish-brown. They can be found throughout the United States and are more common in areas with lots of trees. They have a long body with short hair and a bushy tail. They will typically stick to living in the trees and foraging for food outside. Squirrels may start to search for alternative housing possibly inside your home when the weather changes.
Tree Squirrels
The most common kind of squirrel found in homes is the tree squirrel. There are three species of tree squirrels; the grey squirrel, fox squirrel, and pine squirrel. These squirrels are mostly active all year and primarily in the early morning and late evening. They feed on a variety of things from nuts to berries, and bird eggs to fungi. They all commonly nest in trees and sometimes overwinter in homes.
Problems Caused By Squirrels
Squirrels are not just a nuisance to have in your home, they can also cause damage between your walls. You may notice that they tend to make a lot of scratching and digging noises in your walls. This indicates they are trying to build a nest in your walls or attic. This can cause damage to wiring, insulation, sheetrock, and piping. This type of damage can become a dangerous fire hazard. Squirrels can also introduce other pests like ticks and fleas into your house. They can also cause allergies to flare up for house occupants.
Signs Of A Squirrel Problem
There are three things you can look for to try to determine if you have a squirrel in your home:
- Evidence of damage: This can be chewing on walls, insulation, and wiring. They may leave pieces of their nest around your home.
- Noises: If you hear consistent scratching and chewing sounds coming from within your walls. This could mean that squirrels are starting to build a nest in your home.
- Sighting: The best evidence is an actual squirrel sighting inside your house. It might not be the most pleasant experience but it will definitely confirm you have a squirrel problem.
Health Risks
Squirrels do not pose any serious health risk to your family. They can, however, bring in other pests like ticks and fleas. These other pests can cause health problems for your family. Their droppings can spread bacteria. Make sure to give your home a good cleaning after they are eradicated.
How American Pest Solutions Can Help
American Pest Solutions is here to help you eliminate any squirrel infestation within your home. We will set up a plan to eliminate the current infestation and help you to keep them from coming back. Click here to learn more about our wildlife control services.

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