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What You Need To Know About Destructive Carpet Beetles In Springfield

Are you noticing holes in items such as woolen sweaters, wool coats or blankets, carpeting, comforters, or upholstered furniture? If so, you may think your home has been invaded by clothes moths. Those poor clothes moths are commonly blamed for carpet beetle damage because many people don't realize that carpet beetles don't just eat carpets. They can eat fabrics too. Here are a few more facts that every Springfield homeowner should know about carpet beetles.

What does a carpet beetle look like?

We have two species of carpet beetle in Springfield. The black carpet beetle and the varied carpet beetle. As you might expect, black carpet beetles are entirely black. Varied carpet beetles are varied in color. They can have a mottled mix of black, tan, white and brown. Both species are oval-shaped, with 6 legs, two stubby antenna and two sets of wings. Their wings are divided right down the middle.

How do carpet beetles get into your house?

Carpet beetles have wings and are pretty good fliers. When you open a door or window, these insects can fly right in. Most of the time, this happens at night because carpet beetles are drawn to exterior lights. When you come home at night, they come right in with you. They'll also get in through open windows if there is a damaged screen or through the screens on your sliding glass doors. Your screens are your frontline defense against carpet beetles.

Another, somewhat surprising way carpet beetles get into homes is by hitching a ride in on flowers. Flowers? Really? It may sound strange but adult carpet beetles feed on nectar and pollen. They don't eat carpets. So, when you grab potted flowers and carry them inside, you can accidentally carry carpet beetles in with them.

Are carpet beetles a big deal?

No. Carpet beetles are not a big deal at all. But before carpet beetles are beetles, they're caterpillars, and those caterpillars can be very destructive to many of the items inside your home. They feed on anything that has natural fibers or a mixture of natural fibers and synthetic fibers. And since a single female carpet beetle can lay as many as a hundred eggs, it doesn't take long for you to have a lot of mouths to feed in your home.

How do you get rid of carpet beetles?

Once carpet beetles get into a home, they can be frustrating to get rid of. Many homeowners turn to natural pest control options like diatomaceous earth. We don't recommend these natural solutions because they rarely work. While it is true that you can apply natural treatments to desiccate (dry out) carpet beetles and carpet beetle larvae, these treatments are topical and don't get to where the larvae and eggs are hidden.

Carpet Beetle Prevention

While it is hard to get rid of carpet beetles, there are many ways to prevent carpet beetles from getting in. If you don't have these beetles in your home yet, you can:

Check all your screens and make sure they're in good working condition.

  • Examine your exterior and seal any gaps, cracks, or holes. Look closely around doors and windows. These are notorious entry points for carpet beetles and a long list of other pests. These pests get past gaps in weather stripping, damaged door sweeps, gaps around frames and through holes created by wood-damaging pests.
  • Check plants and flowers before bringing them inside.
  • Keep exterior lights off at night where it is not a security concern. Consider replacing exterior white lights with light that are more insect-resistant, such as yellow bulbs.
  • Keep curtains drawn at night. The light leaking out from inside your home can attract carpet beetles and other insects.

Carpet Beetle Pest Control

If you're seeing carpet beetles inside your Springfield home, remember that American Pest Solutions is always standing by to assist you with handling all your pest problems. Our QualityPro Certified team has over 100 years of experience helping residents get pest problems under control. We know what works to remove and exclude carpet beetles from your home. Contact us for a free evaluation. Help is just a phone call away.

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