illustration of a bed bug control tech inspecting a home

Stay Ahead Of Bed Bug Infestations In Western Massachusetts

Have you been finding itchy, red bumps on your skin when you wake up in the morning? Or finding tiny bugs crawling in your sheets or pillows? The culprit could be bed bugs in your Western Massachusetts home, but how do you stay ahead of these critters?

Here’s what homeowners should know about the early warning signs of a bed bug problem, how you can stop them, and how using pest control in Western Massachusetts can get rid of bed bugs permanently.

Early Warning Signs Of Bed Bugs In Western Massachusetts Homes

While many homeowners may not realize they’ve got bed bugs until they see live bugs in their homes, this is one of the last signs of an infestation. There are plenty of other early warning signs that can indicate a bed bug problem in your home. Understanding these signs is key to catching infestations before they spiral out of control. Early signs of bed bugs include:

  • Stains: Bed bugs are extremely tiny and like to hide in the cracks and crevices of furniture, appliances, or other items in your home. When you sit or lay down near their hiding spots, you may accidentally crush a bed bug’s body, which can leave a dark stain behind. If you’re finding tiny blood stains or dark marks on your sheets, pillows, couches, or other furniture, it could be crushed bed bugs or fecal matter stains.

  • Discarded skins: Bed bugs shed their skin as they grow, and they may leave their discarded skins lying around your sheets, pillows, or mattresses. These discarded skins look like the shell of an empty bed bug.

  • Bite marks: One of the most obvious signs of an infestation is unexplainable bite marks. These bites may be mistaken for other types of bug bites, which is why it’s important to be on the lookout for other signs of an infestation.

  • Eggs: Like many pests, bed bugs lay eggs, which are shiny and translucent. You may find these pin-sized eggs around bed bug hiding spots as well as bed corners, cabinets, or baseboards.

What A Bed Bug Infestation Is Like In Western Massachusetts

You may understand the warning signs of a bed bug infestation, but what is it like to live with one, and what kind of health risk do bed bugs pose for Western Massachusetts homeowners? Some of the negative side effects of a bed bug infestation can include:

  • Experiencing an allergic reaction to the bites. While not everyone may have a reaction to bed bug bites, many people do. Most reactions are moderate – there may be itchy, swollen bite marks that fade after a couple of days. Some people can have more severe, whole-body reactions to bed bug bites and even anaphylaxis in rare cases.

  • Developing a secondary skin infection. It’s not as common, but you can develop a secondary skin infection from your bed bug bites, such as ecthyma, impetigo, and lymphangitis.

  • Dealing with impacted mental health. Once you know you’ve got a bed bug infestation in your home, many people report higher levels of anxiety and insomnia as they try to get rid of these pests.

How To Stop Bed Bugs In Western Massachusetts From Coming Back

Bed bugs are one of the trickiest pests to prevent, but here’s a couple of ways that can help stop them from coming back to your Western Massachusetts home:

  • Don’t store luggage, clothing, or other personal items on the floor when you’re staying in hotel rooms, as this can be an easy way for bed bugs to hitch a ride on your luggage.

  • Make sure you always wash suitcases, clothing, and other luggage when you return from a trip.

  • When you’re staying at a hotel or friend’s house, make sure you double-check your lodging area for signs of bed bugs, such as looking under sheets, mattresses, or furniture.

  • Always inspect secondhand furniture, clothes, and appliances for signs of bed bugs before you bring them into your home.

  • Avoid cluttering up the floor with clothes, and be sure to vacuum regularly.

  • Use dust-proof encasements on your mattress or box spring to create another barrier between you and potential bed bugs.

How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In My Home Permanently?

The tips above may help prevent bed bugs, but there’s only one foolproof way to get rid of them permanently, and that’s by working with American Pest Solutions. If you’re seeing signs of an infestation in your Western Massachusetts home, there’s only one thing to do – call us today at American Pest Solutions to learn more about our reliable bed bug treatments or to schedule an inspection.

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