Answering Western Massachusetts Most Common Mouse Questions

A close up image of a mice on the ground

As one of the most frequent home-invading pests, mice are an animal that you’re likely to encounter at one point or another. These tiny rodents might not seem like that big of a deal, but the truth is that they can cause many problems for home and business owners in Western Massachusetts. So, knowing about their behavior and how to keep them away is vital.

This guide is here to help answer all your questions about mice and give you the information you need. 

What Do Mice Look Like?

The common house mouse is around four to six inches long, including its tail. Their fur is a brownish-gray color, and they have cream-colored underbellies. They are sometimes mistaken for rats, but there are some key differences to look out for to tell the two species apart. Mice have pointier faces and more prominent, fur-covered ears. They also have longer, thinner tails, while a rat’s tail is shorter and looks more scaly.

Can Mice Climb Walls?

Mice have abilities that would seem superheroic if we had them as humans. To start with, they can scale over a foot up a smooth vertical wall. They can also jump up to a foot high. Given their tiny size, this is quite the feat.

However, while these might be interesting facts, they aren’t great news when it comes to having mice around. These abilities make it harder to prevent mice from getting into buildings and allow them to escape easily.

Can Mice See In The Dark?

While mice might be good at climbing and jumping, their vision isn’t good at all. They can’t see in the dark despite being primarily nocturnal. They have relatively poor vision in general and rely on their other senses more heavily to move around in the world.

What Attracts Mice?

Many factors can attract mice to a property, and the truth is that most homes in the area provide the things that mice are seeking. They want shelter and access to food and water, and they can survive off of even small crumbs.

However, some places are more mouse-friendly because of easy access to food and garbage or excess humidity around the property. Mice also will thrive in more cluttered areas that allow them many spaces to hide.

How Can You Prevent Mice?

Mice can be tricky to prevent because they can squeeze through holes the size of a dime. They also can chew through many materials, including drywall, plastic, wood, and more. This allows them to gnaw their way inside and makes sealing up entry points a challenge.

However, there are still some effective steps you can take to deter mice from your home or business, such as:

  • Cover all garbage cans with tight-fitting lids that mice can’t get inside.
  • Clean up food and drink spills and ensure that your kitchen is cleaned regularly.
  • Store pet food and your food products in sealed containers.
  • Get wire mesh coverings for vents and chimneys.
  • Seal up holes around the building’s walls and foundation with steel wool or other options that mice can’t chew through.

Does One Mouse Mean An Infestation Has Arrived?

Unfortunately, it’s hardly ever just one mouse. If you’ve seen one, there are probably many more that you’re not seeing. However, don’t fear. If you’re dealing with mice around your Western Massachusetts property, there is professional pest control that can eradicate these dangerous pests.

How Can You Get Rid Of Mice?

Mice can be difficult to remove using DIY methods, but the pest control experts at American Pest Solutions have comprehensive rodent control plans you can count on. Instead of wasting your time and money trying to remove these invasive rodents, give us a call today to let our team handle the problem.
