Why Are There Fleas In My Western Massachusetts Home?

A close up image of a flea

People say western Massachusetts resembles a girl with so much natural beauty that her insides shine on the outside. Well, Western Massachusetts is a natural beauty. With beautiful green hills, unique museums, iconic music venues, and picturesque towns, you are sure to be impressed with its natural beauty. While fleas will never be known as a beauty, they are native to the western Massachusetts area. When they get into your home, this dangerous parasite can be a severe nuisance.

Who Else Wants to Know about Fleas and Their Dangers?

A flea is a parasite that feeds on the blood of warm-blooded animals. They are not just your dog or cat's arch-nemeses; these flightless parasites bite humans too! Pets are not the only transporter of fleas. Wild animals that visit your yard can also help bring fleas into your house. Because fleas can cause severe problems within your home, homeowners need to recognize them.

Five characteristics of fleas are as follows:

  1. They range in size between 1/12 to 1/6 inches in length.
  2. They are reasonably flat and dark red to brown.
  3. They have two antennae.
  4. They have six legs.
  5. They do not have wings.

Fleas not only suck blood and cause discomfort, but they also carry dangerous parasites that can transmit serious health problems. Bubonic plague is a common disease transmitted by fleas, and fleas also transmit a bacterial disease called murine typhus to humans through infected rats. Tapeworms and anemia can affect your pets when infested with fleas. Bites are irritating and cause scratching; extreme scratching can lead to secondary infections.

The Secret of Fleas in Western Massachusetts

Fleas typically use a "transporter" to get into homes. Generally, a flea uses rodents/wildlife to move from place to place. Once in your yard, fleas will "jump ship" and latch onto your pet. The vicious cycle continues when your pet then brings the fleas into your home. Homeowners without pets should not rest easy. Fleas have powerful legs that enable them to jump up to eight inches high, so they have no problem latching onto blankets, shoes, and pant legs. Fleas in your house can easily hide in places where people and pets sleep.

Now You Can Lower Flea Populations in Your Western Massachusetts Property

Lowering the flea population in your home starts with steps taken outside. Since fleas like to ride into properties via wildlife hosts, eliminating areas that attract wildlife to your yard will help keep them away. Since wildlife is typically the problem that facilitates flea problems, getting rid of sites on your lawn that welcome them is critical.

Eight harborage areas to eliminate outside include:

  1. Mow yards – keep the grass short.
  2. Keep trees and shrubs nicely trimmed.
  3. Eliminate excess plants and overgrowth.
  4. Remove leaf litter.
  5. Remove mulch piles.
  6. Remove woodpiles (stack wood about 20 feet away from home)
  7. Keep garbage in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  8. Remove things like bird feeders that attract rodents or other wildlife.

Get Rid of Fleas Once and for All From Your Western Massachusetts Property

When fleas can live for about 100 days and produce 2,000 babies over that period, flea control is essential and fast action is required. American Pest Solutions has been providing pest solutions since 1913. Our board-certified Entomologist is on-staff and ready to handle even the most difficult of infestation problems. Call American Pest Solutions to get rid of fleas in your home.
