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Spiders are rarely a pleasant sight in Western Massachusetts, but are they dangerous, and should you be scared of them? Here's why some local residents may be scared of spiders, the types of dangerous local spiders and how to identify them, and what you can do to safely get rid of these deadly critters. 

Why Are Some People In Western Massachusetts Afraid Of Spiders?

If you've ever wondered why some people are terrified of spiders, there's a couple of reasons why. Some scientists believe that arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, comes from the disgust emotion, and may have developed in humans over time as an instinctual way to avoid disease or illness. People may fear spiders the same way they fear snakes, rats, or any other animals that may have the potential to bite and spread disease. 

Another reason some people may be more scared of spiders is because of a previous bad experience. If you were bitten by a brown recluse spider as a child, you may have a natural fear of these pests – regardless of how harmless some of them may be. 

Not all spiders may be able to cause serious harm, but some of them can, so being scared or cautious around spiders isn't an irrational response. 

Types Of Dangerous Spiders & What They Look Like

While most of the spiders in Western Massachusetts are more of a nuisance than a danger, there are a couple of dangerous species you'll want to be on the lookout for, such as: 

Black Widow Spider

The award for the most dangerous spider in Western Massachusetts goes to the black widow spider, which you can identify by its glossy black body and red hourglass marking on the underside of its abdomen. 

Not only are they easy to recognize, but with venom that's more than fifteen times stronger than a rattlesnake's venom, a black widow bite requires immediate medical attention. Fortunately, black widows aren't aggressive and prefer to hide in dark, damp areas where they're unlikely to be disturbed. 

Black-Footed Yellow Sac Spider

The black-footed yellow sac spider isn't as famous as the black widow, but they're also easy to recognize if you come across one. These spiders tend to have pale yellow coloring with dark brown markings on the end of their feet. 

While they can end up inside from time to time, many yellow sac spiders prefer to hang out in shrubs and the foliage around trees. Like the black widow, yellow sac spiders aren't aggressive and rarely bite, but they can if they feel threatened or cornered. Their bites can cause lesions that can require antibiotics and take months to heal. 

Are Spiders In Western Massachusetts Dangerous Enough To Kill People?

Both of these spiders can be dangerous, but only one spider in Western Massachusetts is dangerous enough to kill you, and that's the black widow. Their potent venom can be painful and debilitating, but keep in mind that their bites rarely result in death. Seeking medical attention quickly is crucial to managing the bite. Left untreated, black widow bites can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • Painful muscle cramps

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Numbness around the bite

  • Sensitivity

  • Headaches

  • Salivating and heavy sweating

Yellow sac spider bites aren't fatal, but their venom can be painful and lead to complications. If you believe you've been bitten by either of these spiders, it's always a good idea to seek medical attention – especially if you begin experiencing any of the symptoms listed above. 

How To Safely Get Rid Of Dangerous Spiders On Your Property

Whether you've discovered a black widow infestation in your basement or keep finding yellow sac spiders in your garden, there's only one safe way to get rid of the dangerous spiders in your Western Massachusetts home, and that's with American Pest Solutions. 

We've been combating both dangerous and harmless spiders alike in the Western Massachusetts area for more than a century, and our trustworthy reputation speaks for itself. If you believe you've got a dangerous spider in your home, there's only one thing to do – call us today at American Pest Solutions to learn more about our spider control services.

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