What You Ought To Know About Hartford Spiders In The Winter

A spider building a web

Similar to animal classes like insects and crustaceans, spiders are cold-blooded, meaning they cannot internally regulate their own body temperatures, and as such, are more susceptible to changes in climate. Spiders, however, are different than most of their cold-blooded relatives. 
Through a special chemical process, antifreeze-like substances can be released within the spider’s body to protect it internally from the debilitating effects of winter chills. Despite this unique natural advantage, these eight-legged creatures still often invade human homes during the winter — just not to protect themselves from the cold.

Where Did The Spiders In Your Hartford House Come From?

So if spiders don’t necessarily need to sneak indoors for sanctuary from the cold, why would they still try to invade? They are small and, relative to humans, pretty far down the food chain. Relative to the common insectoid pest, however, these arachnids are absolutely vicious predators. 
Considering the insects that spiders feed on don’t have their own internalized antifreeze systems, if they work their way into your Hartford home during the winter months, the spider will need to abandon its old web and follow its prey into their new environment.
If you notice the sudden appearance of spiders in surplus, chances are, the invasion is not nearly as new as you may believe. No matter the time or season, spiders can begin to hide themselves away in the voids and corners of your Hartford property, growing in numbers and breeding further as time goes on. Perhaps the infestation you discover in the spring or summer started in the winter when you weren’t expecting it or the winter infestation in the autumn months before!

Tips For Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Hartford Home

Regardless of the time of year, spiders can and will invade your property to take part in the feast of pests already present inside. If you wish to keep your walls web-free, there are a number of preventive measures you can take to make your Hartford house a less inviting place for these arachnids:

  • On the exterior of your home, have a keen eye out for holes or cracks a spider may use to crawl indoors. Likewise, check along the walls of the interior for similar nooks and crannies that may serve as a passageway or hiding place.
  • Try covering additional openings, such as chimneys and ventilation shafts, with tightly knitted screens to prevent pests from crawling in without compromising the necessary ventilation.
  • Continue to stay conscious of the meshes in these vents over time! Periodically check on them to ensure there is no internal blockage or tears potentially indicative of intruders on your end.
  • Keeping in mind the spider’s predatory instincts and mentality, one of the most important steps to ridding your home of eight-legged nuisances comes in the complete extermination of the insectoid food source they so diligently follow. Set up bug catchers near potential entryways to kill nearby bugs.
  • Speaking of entryways, do keep in mind the spiders’ diminutive stature. If you don’t want pests crawling through while you’re not paying attention, install a door sweep on each external door on the property.

Spiders are very persistent arachnids. If you want to truly rid your Hartford home of these eight-legged pests, you’ll have to do more than just remove them. Spiders are the pests’ pests, and as such, these often layered infestations require astute diagnoses and a multi-step method of approach. Don’t catch yourself inside their web! Contact American Pest Solutions today for all of your pest control problems.
