The Best Way To Keep Silverfish Out Of Your Hartford Home

Three silverfishes on wood

If you ran out of food and couldn’t find anything to eat, would you ever consider eating your clothing? What about the glue in the binding of your books or the shampoo in your shower? Absolutely not, but you know who would, silverfish. If you don’t know much about silverfish but know you don’t want them around, we have some information that is sure to help. Here is the best way to keep silverfish out of your Hartford home.

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish are tiny 12-19mm long insects. These invasive pests are best known for their teardrop-shaped bodies, white to brown-grey or bluish-silver color, and the three long bristles that extend from their rear.

Able to survive and thrive in most climates, silverfish prefer to live in dark and damp areas. Basements, attics, bathrooms, and kitchens are all popular silverfish hangouts inside homes. These odd-looking pests are especially drawn to damp clothing and paper and are commonly found inside boxes of storage inside garages and sheds.

Before mating, silverfish will perform a love dance. Males then lay spermatophores for females to use to fertilize their eggs. The number of eggs laid completely depends on the species of silverfish. Some lay only a few eggs a day while others lay clusters of 2 to 20.

Are Silverfish Dangerous?

Silverfish are mostly nuisance pests and pose no real threat to homeowners or pets. The most dangerous thing they do is cause allergic reactions in certain individuals.

The biggest problem these pests pose is the damage they do to personal items. Although silverfish are capable of living on a diet of grains, they also chew large holes through clothing, paper, and upholstery. If you are finding holes in fabrics around your home, you may have a silverfish infestation, although it is often difficult to tell, as many pests damage items similarly.

Why Are Silverfish Hard To Eliminate?

Silverfish either get into homes through openings in exterior walls or are brought inside in cardboard boxes and plastic containers that were recently stored in infested areas. Once indoors, silverfish will do their best to stay out of sight, quietly breeding and damaging items. This makes early identification difficult. By the time homeowners notice an infestation, elimination is nearly impossible due to the population size. The best thing to do at this point is to get a professional involved.

How To Prevent Silverfish

If your home does not yet have a silverfish infestation, here are a few prevention tips to use to keep it that way.

  • Store dry foods in sealed containers.
  • Dust around your home often.
  • Consider removing items with adhesives from your home.
  • Keep clothing stored in a dry environment.
  • Clean your home regularly and thoroughly.
  • Seal up gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation using a caulking gun or liquid cement.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors to keep humidity down.
  • Make sure your home is adequately ventilated.
  • Fix leaky pipes and fixtures.

The dryer and less accessible your home is to silverfish, the less likely you will be to have a problem. For extra assistance dealing with these invasive pests, turn to the experts here at American Pest Solutions. Our team is highly trained in only the most effective pest control solutions. Using top-of-the-line equipment and professional-grade pest control treatments, we will ensure your home is adequately defended against any pest threats it could ever face.

Give us a call today with any questions or to schedule a service visit to have silverfish treated around your Hartford home.
