The Best Way To Keep Fleas At Bay In Western Massachusetts

Up close image of a flea on hair.

Trying to have fun outdoors can be a hassle, as many pests will eagerly surround you. Some are far more dangerous than others. Fleas are an example. Many people don’t know just how problematic they can be. The associated issues go well beyond red and itchy bites.

Since these bugs take in blood from humans and animals, flea diseases are possible. Figuring out how to avoid the insects begins with learning more about them overall. You have to discover the best way to get rid of fleas. American Pest Solutions can assist you in Western Massachusetts.

The Lifecycle Of Fleas In Western Massachusetts

The life-cycle of fleas is in four stages: egg, larval, pupal, and adult. Depending on the conditions of their environment, each period can be months long. Physically, these compressed critters are 0.09 of an inch long and reddish-brown. As you might imagine, it’s hard to spot them. The gloss on their skin helps them stand out sometimes. Using their legs, they’ll jump onto your clothes or the closest animal. Squirrels, rodents, and other pests will be on their radar if a pet isn't around.

Look for these signs to verify an infestation:

  • Observing that domestic animals are scratching themselves more often
  • Constantly having bites on your body
  • Seeing flea fecal waste on pet materials and carpeting
  • Finding flea eggs by pets, structural voids, furniture, and carpeting

It would be best to be wary of fleas when you go into an area with vegetation. These pests are ubiquitous in grassy, woody, sandy, and shady locations. Watery places, such as ditches, lakesides, and ponds, attract them. Remember that residential and business zones aren’t exempt from having flea populations. You may see the critters by porches and decks if you look closely. They’ll gather under mounds of organic matter, shrubs, and rocks too. If fleas get indoors, it won’t cause them to die immediately. Reproduction can still occur without incident.

The Diseases Fleas In Western Massachusetts Can Transmit

After flea bites, potential conditions you could develop include tapeworms, typhus, or parasitic, bacterial diseases. Most people experience allergic reactions and skin inflammation. Flea bites are very itchy, but you must not scratch them. If you split your skin, germs could enter and grow into a secondary bacterial infection. Anemic complications are common with a serious flea infestation because blood will be absorbed often. You should never underestimate flea diseases.

Natural Flea Prevention Tips For Western Massachusetts Homes

To reiterate, a flea infestation can’t be taken lightly. Your challenges won’t improve using retail pesticides and “do it yourself” DIY flea spray. These pricey avenues aren’t equipped for a bug overhaul. Ideal independent approaches are:

  • Mow the lawn and trim the greenery regularly.
  • Get rid of debris in the yard.
  • Instead of soil, use gravel for the property perimeter.
  • Contact your pet’s veterinarian about year-round flea control and treatment.
  • Inspect and groom the hair of your animals on a routine basis.
  • Vacuum and wash carpeting frequently.
  • Look over second-hand items, like clothes and furniture, before purchasing them.
  • Contact American Pest Solutions if you have critters fleas may host on.

The Trick To Getting Rid Of Fleas In Your Home For Good

The best way to get rid of fleas is to seek the professional interventions of American Pest Solutions. We have industrial-grade interior and exterior treatments that are safe. They aren't noxious like many “do it yourself” DIY flea sprays and commercial products. You can have confidence in our expertise, as we have state-certified and licensed staff. Give us a call today!
