Six Simple Tricks To Keep Bugs Out Of Your Hartford Pantries

Indian Meal Moth in Hartford.

Snacking is one of life’s great pleasures. We’re lucky enough to live in a time when food is cheap and abundant, and we can fill our pantries will all sorts of goodies that we love to eat. But as it turns out, we’re not the only ones who love crackers, cereal, and cookies. Pantry pests can spoil your food and your appetite. Bugs and rodents alike love to raid our pantries and pig out.

If you want to snack in peace again, here are six tricks to prevent pantry bugs in Hartford.

What Are Pantry Bugs?

Pantry bugs are insects that can be found in common foods you store in your pantry or cupboards. They often gravitate towards grain-based processed foods like cereal but will also go after other types of shelf-stable food like dried fruit and beans.

Some pests like cockroaches and mice are known to get into pantries and contaminate food. But typically, these pests only come to your pantry to eat. There are some bugs who live, breed, and feed on your pantry shelves.

Common pantry bugs include:

  • Pantry moths (or Indianmeal moths) lay their eggs in dry food and can be brought into the home with your groceries or fly in on their own.
  • Saw-tooth grain beetles can infest foods stored in warehouses and grocery stores by chewing through boxes with their powerful jaws.
  • Weevils are other common pantry bugs, usually found in rice or flour. They lay their eggs in your food, which weevil larvae will feed on as they grow into adults.

The good news is, there are some tricks to keeping pantry bugs out of your home if you know what to look for.

Three Tricks To Protect Your Pantry

  1. Inspect dry food before purchasing. If you see any signs of damage or opening in a package, don’t buy it. The presence of moisture in dry food could also be a sign of pantry bug infestation.
  2. Check the food you already have. You can either sift through your pantry foods with a mesh kitchen strainer to check for bugs or simply pour the contents into a clear plastic storage bag for inspection.
  3. Store food in sturdy containers. Use heavy-duty plastic or glass containers with tight-fitting lids to store your cereals, crackers, and other pantry foods. If you have mice, store pantry items in metal or glass containers to prevent them from chewing through.

Three Tricks To Protect Your Property

Some pests in your pantry don’t come from the grocery store but manage to find their way into your property all on their own. That’s why it’s important to make sure your home is properly protected.

  1. Inspect your property for entry points. If you see gaps around piping, cracks in your foundation, or holes in your walls, seal the entry points with caulk or stuff holes with steel wool. Cockroaches and mice that invade your pantry frequently enter through breaches like these.
  2. Repair your screens. Pantry moths can enter your property from outside. Inspect any window screens or screen doors for tears and patch them as needed.
  3. Replace weather stripping. If you have damaged weather stripping around doors or windows that are frayed or falling away, be sure to replace it. Many pests will quite literally walk in through the front door if you let them.

For assistance with pantry bugs or advice to deal with an infestation, contact the professionals at American Pest Solutions. With over 100 years in business, we’ve seen all kinds of pests and provide homeowners with lasting solutions.

So, get rid of your pantry bugs once and for all. Get in touch with us today.