How Did These Fleas Get Into My Hartford County Home?

Flea crawling on a rug.

Some pests like to feed on garbage, some pests like to feed on other pests, but then there are pests who like to feed on you. Parasites like ticks, bedbugs, and fleas will gladly suck your blood if they get the chance. The resulting bites are itchy and annoying, and even worse, could transmit disease to you and your pets.

If you’ve got fleas in your Hartford County home, here’s what you need to know.

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are six-legged parasitic insects that feed on blood. They are small in size, usually measuring about 1/8 inch in diameter, and have a reddish-brown coloration. Fleas have no wings but instead jump to get around. In order to survive, fleas must find a warm-blooded host. So, they feel for vibrations and wait for a warm-blooded animal to pass by. Fleas then leap onto the unsuspecting host using their powerful jump. Once feeding begins, adult fleas will likely spend their entire lives on the same host, laying eggs and sucking blood.

Why Fleas Are Dangerous

Having fleas is a serious danger to the health and well being of your pets and family. Fleas are known to cause a number of diseases. Although rare, bubonic plague, murine typhus, and tularemia can be contracted as a result of flea bites.

Flea bites can also trigger an allergic reaction in both humans and pets. In humans, flea bites can develop into intense rashes and flea feces can trigger an asthma attack as a result of an allergic reaction.

In pets, flea bites can lead to lesions and fur loss and tapeworm larvae transmitted from fleas can develop into adult tapeworms inside your pet.

Where Do Fleas Come From?

When you think about fleas, you probably picture some poor dog or cat scratching at themselves. So, if you don’t have pets, you can’t have fleas, right? Unfortunately not.

Fleas are typically brought onto your property by rodents or other wildlife. While fleas use their jumping ability to board their host, fleas themselves won’t jump their way into your yard. Rather, they will hitchhike their way in. Adult fleas cling to their host for dear life while their eggs fall away, spreading as far the host animal travels.

Rodents like mice and rats can bring fleas directly into your home. Being nosy animals, small rodents will cover a lot of ground on your property and can spread fleas throughout the vicinity. Larger wildlife like raccoons can also carry fleas but aren’t as likely to spread them over a wide area.

Fleas congregate in areas of high humidity and low light. Shady areas around shrubs and leaves are ideal. If your cat or dog spends time outdoors in overgrown or wooden areas, fleas will sometimes hitch a ride on you or your pet back into your home. Your pet can also get fleas from contact with another animal that is already infested.

Preventing Fleas

The first thing you can to do prevent fleas from entering your home is prevent their host animals from entering your home. Making your property less attractive to small rodents can be remarkably simple:

  • Put garbage in rodent-proof receptacles. Keep trash as far away from the house as possible, make sure your garbage bin has a tight-fitting lid, and if possible, choose a metal bin that rodents can’t chew through.
  • Clean up around the house. Make sure there are no crumbs, spills, or other food waste that attract small rodents. Store food in sturdy metal or glass containers.
  • Clear away yard waste. Make sure your lawn and garden are well-kept and free of overgrown areas where rodents can hide.

If you’re living with pets and believe that you have fleas, you can help to control the infestation:

  • Treat your pets. Use a flea bath or flea spray to kill the fleas living on your pet.
  • Wash all clothes, sheets, and pet bedding.
  • Vacuum carpets, upholstery, and crevices where flea eggs and larvae could be hiding.

For more information about flea prevention or assistance with flea problems in your home, contact the professionals at American Pest Solutions. For over 100 years, the experts at American Pest Solutions have been helping Hartford County residents with their pest problems. We will work with you to develop a plan to eliminate fleas in your home. Get in touch with us today to solve your flea problem.
