Clover Mites Becoming Huge Nuisance

clover mite

The time is almost here, the dreaded clover mite season. Maybe you have already seen a few of them or maybe you have seen many of them. Soon enough thousands of those tiny red clover mites will be swarming all over your property. Of all the pests that can be problematic, these clover mites are probably one of the tiniest. However, they can be a huge nuisance if they make their way onto your property, or worse if they get into your home, especially if they swarm in large numbers. When they invade your property they can get into your home through tiny cracks and crevices around your windows and doors as well as your foundation and exterior walls. Clover mites like to feed on plants, such as clover, grass, and weeds by sucking out the juices.

The most frustrating problem you will have with clover mites is the staining that they can cause, especially inside your home. They like to travel in very large numbers and if they get squashed they can leave a terrible stain behind that can ruin things like curtains, clothing, rugs, and furniture.

Due to their tiny size, clover mites are hard to prevent and even harder to get rid of. Even if you seal off every crevice that you see, they can still get in. The best way to get rid of and prevent clover mites is by getting help from a trusted professional pest control company. American Pest Solutions is just that company, and we have the knowledge and expertise to apply an effective method of treatment to get your clover mite infestation under control.

Take a look at our the many benefits of signing up for our Pest Guard home pest control services:

  • Prompt services
  • 24-hour answering service
  • Experienced technicians
  • Up-to-date tools and products
  • Complete pest knowledge
  • Integrated protection
  • Board certified entomologist
  • Year-round protection
  • Peace of mind that pests are gone and won’t come back

We perform an initial inspection, visit at least four times per year, and it not only covers clover mites, but also mice, spiders, sow bugs, millipedes, centipedes, carpenter ants, wasps, and others. No matter what’s pestering you, American Pest Solutions can help, give us a call today!
