Centipedes 101: What Every Hartford Homeowner Ought To Know

a centipede crawling on a tire

Screaming and centipedes often go hand in hand. It’s just something about their appearance and the way they move that has the unique ability to send shivers down even the bravest individuals' spine. If you agree that centipedes do not belong inside homes, we have some information for you today that you are going to want to hear. Here is everything you need to know about the centipedes in and around your Hartford home.

How Many Legs Do Centipedes Really Have?

By their names, one would assume that a centipede has 100 legs. This could not be further for the truth. In reality, a centipede can have anywhere from 30 to 354 individual legs. As centipedes age, they grow more legs. With each successful molting, a new pair emerges. If you find a really long centipede inside your home, you can assume it is an old centipede. How old? Sometimes upwards of 3 years. Thankfully they cannot live much longer than that. Can you imagine an 80-year-old centipede with thousands of legs?

Can Centipedes Hurt You?

Thankfully, centipedes are not as dangerous as they look. Although carnivorous and known for being venomous, it is rare for a centipede to harm a human. Unless you have a habit of handling centipedes with your bare hands, your risk of any form of injury is minimal. If you were to be bitten by a centipede, the worst you can expect is radiating pain, redness, and localized swelling.

How do centipedes bite? They use their front two dagger-like appendages. These appendages are often mistaken for extra legs. Do not be deceived, these front-facing limbs are how centipedes take down their prey.

The real problem centipedes pose is with their presence. Just the sight of a centipede can be rather disruptive. If you have ever had the pleasure of being caught off guard by a centipede, you know how much a nuisance they are.

Are Centipedes Fast?

Unfortunately, centipedes are extremely fast. How fast? If the insect kingdom hosted a foot race, centipedes would win by a long shot. Even more disturbing than this, centipedes can shift from floors to walls, to ceilings without ever breaking their pace. If there is one fact about centipedes that will keep you up at night, this is it.

Prevention Tips For Centipedes

At this point, you are probably more than ready to learn how to keep these horrifying pests out of your home. To do this, here are some prevention tips you can try.

  • Seal up gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior using a caulking gun.
  • Make sure all your exterior doors have door sweeps.
  • Check weather stripping and make sure it is in good condition.
  • Apply fine screens on vents leading out of your home.
  • Fix leaks, address moisture problems, and reduce humidity throughout your home.
  • Remove clutter from your yard. This includes leaf piles and organic debris.
  • Trim back tree branches and bushes to allow direct sunlight to shine on your home’s exterior foundation.

A Better Way To Keep Centipedes Out

Centipedes invade homes to hunt for other pests. To keep both centipedes and the pests they invade for out of your Hartford home, we have detailed pest control options for you here at American Pest Solutions. With our Pest Guard plan, you get effective treatments for a variety of common pest invaders such as mice, spiders, sow bugs, wasps, carpenter ants, and of course, centipedes.

If that sounds good to you, give us a call today and let us find your solution to pests.
